I'm morgan!

hello friend

Cliche and all; I am a coffee loving (Dunkie Junkie) mom of two littles and wife to the most hardworking man I've ever met. I am easily inspired and have an eye for the good light in every space and every human. I am pretty good at small talk ( aka I have a hard time shutting up! ) but intuitive enough for the real talk too, I love getting to know you and your family, building relationships and community by being part of this moment in your story.


THE PERFECT POSE DOES NOT EXIST. posed CAN still be beautiful but connection, closeness and movement are moments that can not be replicated  

I believe

there is no "right Time" for your session its always the right time. we can only focus on the time we have right now.

I believe

chubby babies should always be
 In my schedule. 

I believe

creativity is a choice you make, everyday over and over. it only chooses those who open the door to it

I believe

Ceramics! My mother and I own a pottery wheel

4. just for fun hobbies:

Durring this time of my life Spring! Muddy puddles and blossoms are just the best

3. my favorite season of the year:

Queso and Guac! put it on chips, salad, rice I could put it on anything 

2. hard to say but my FAVORITE food:

Aspen Colorado

1. I was born in…


the quiz

let's chat 

©photos Morgan Silco

Located in marion NY, Serving Rochester and
the Fingerlakes